Thursday 21 June 2012

Work struggles... drawing struggles.....and lots of tracing paper later

    So I have something to say. Today, Im feeling rather useless at work and like I don't know what I'm doing. I'm sure many of you can relate. What do you do when you feel this way? How do you solve this problem? Your asked to do something at work, and it takes you much much MUCH much longer then it should have; you don't know why, you don't know how, there is no reason other then thinking to yourself "Its because I suck"- which clearly isn't the case, but thats not to say that thats not how you FEEL. 
   My boss showed me some drawings that he had done years ago.. and they were amazing. Yes I'm aware that I don't have his experience, but how did he get there. If i'm sitting here trying to do this sketch of a floor plan... and it doesn't look like how it's supposed to.. how do you get from point A to B and when does that happen if it needs to happen like NOW. No i'm not expected to have the same kind of skills that a senior designer would have.. but how do you get there. I feel like I am living in a time where everyone my age wants things NOW. I know that I need to relax and just learn.. but I feel useless. When I'm using 100 pieces of tracing paper and talking all day to do something that should have taken a few hours.. I feel like I "suck" and like I don't know what Im doing. Give me a computer... some AUTOCADD (or  PowerCADD in my case) and I'm good to go. Give me a piece of paper and a pen... not so much. I like hand drawing.. but Im not that great at it especially under pressure. I feel like I should know these things (how to draw properly)... and I don't. I feel like I should be able to do these kinda things with my eyes closed... but I can't. Being the girl with little experience who just wants to be  the best designer she can be is hard. I re-read that sentence and realize that I am being the best designer that I can be RIGHT NOW. Its not like I didn't want to do the drawing, or didn't try, or didn't care.. I just haven't done a lot of these kinds of things which explains my lack of ability which explains why it took so long. But even doesn't feel so great and it makes you feel like your boss is thinking "Why did I hire this girl". Hope you all can relate.. that is my post for today. No pretty pictures.. just me explaining how I feel today at work. 

I lied... I have a picture.. of hand drawings that I wish I was able to do:
(Drawing is not mine...see link below)

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