Thursday 14 June 2012

If I call this something besides "Green Design" will you read it?

          I was doing research for some kitchen appliances the other morning at work, and there were some really great video's posted on the website. Not boring ones...good ones! Check them out! There are some really high profile designers and architects speaking about kitchen design and design in general. I particularly found Michael McDonough's parts to be rather interesting. When I was at school, we read a book that was written by him and another guy. The book is called "Cradle to Cradle"and it's defiantly a must read for designers (or anyone who's interested in design. The book is about the environmental impacts design has and ways in which we can and have to change these negative impacts. It really creates awareness. I also came across Michael McDonough's website and it looks like he has some interesting video's up there as well including a series that he did which is narrated by Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman (It would be funny/awesome... if Brad Pitt was dressed up as Louis from Interview with the Vampire and there was a little thumbnail at the bottom of the video of him doing the narration to the video lol)

Here is the link for the videos:

Here is the link for "Cradle to Cradle":

Here is the link for Michael McDonough's series (or maybe he's just featured in it)-which I have yet to watch: 
or try this link:

Here is a clip from one of the video's in the series:

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