Wednesday 20 June 2012

Fish light? Oh yes, thats right.

      Awesome lighting that I (well my co-worker) came across today. The company is called Yellow Goat Design and they are out of Australia. I'm always looking for things that are interesting and that I've never seen before.. after all.. isn't that why we are designers? To create unique spaces?!
      I will never understand designers (of any kind) who lack creativity and design things that aren't unique or interesting in some way. Isn't that your job?!  Isn't that why you became a designer? Because you have creative ability and are artsy fartsy? Anyways, before I get heated about it... here are some really neat lighting installations (reminds me of Carrie from Sex and the City when she's explaining to her girlfriends what her artist boyfriend is working on and he corrects her and says that they are actually large scale lighting installations lol). It is crazy to me the things that people come up with.. where did that idea come from? For example, look at the first light called "Fishball" how does one come up with the idea to create a large light that looks like a school of fish..they even look like they are in motion. Its crazy. 

*Note: All images are from Yellow Goat Design. Here is the link if you want to check it out-



"In Black"

"Lanterns"- Now this is amazing

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