Saturday 28 April 2012

Newest obsession

        Beaded yarn! Although I have yet to use said beaded yarn that I claim to be obsessed with... I haven't stopped thinking about it since my "grey" post from a few weeks ago (see image of grey beaded yarn). I'm still not sure if you can bead your own yarn..(would you have to unravel the whole thing and put beads on- probably not) or is there a way to put them on as your knitting...or do you simply have to buy pre-beaded yarn? Oh and the "Knitters Frolic" is this weekend! Here is the link if your interested in going (I sure am!)

Anyway... take a look (Just a side note- I really dislike when people say 'take a peek')


  1. I really like this font that is the title of the blog and the comment font. It's wicked.
    AND, i think you'd have to unravel your skein, knot on the beads, and ball it back up. It would be a bit of a hassle, but it wouldn't take that long.

  2. I've figured it out (well one way)! You just take your beads and string them on the yarn (with the ball still rolled) at the beginning of your project then "bring down" the beads as you knit!
